Blast Controllers

ACI have partnered with an international operator of mining blast controllers to provide service, repair and refinement of their equipment here in Australia.

ACI have an in-house lab dedicated to the repair and refinement of blast controllers from which we conduct a range of repairs and enhancements on the European designed blast controllers which better lends them to the conditions of Australian mine sites.

As the preferred repairer of an Australian blasting operator, ACI are uniquely positioned to understand the challenges faced onsite with these devices which has led us to the development of the following modifications:

  • Flylead Upgrade for enhanced Wireless Remote Triggering
  • Custom Lithium-Ion Battery for extended device operation

Failed blasts cost tens of thousands of dollars in delays when they occur. Blast operators trust ACI to ensure their equipment performs correctly each and every time they’re used. For mission-critical devices, contact ACI to learn the maintenance and product refinement services we can provide.