Extending the life of Your Equipment

What We Do

Abram Consulting International was incorporated in August 2012. The business’s primary activity is in the mining and industrial sectors, and our focus is on servicing, repairing & maintaining the electrical equipment of our customers at an affordable price. ACI’s specialty is to work closely with customers, to obtain a greater understanding of their servicing & repair needs, whilst ensuring their products perform to expectation, affordably and reliably. Research & Development is a passion of all of our Engineers and we welcome new projects to assist our Australian & overseas customers in the advancement of their businesses.


With a proven track-record, ACI is the preferred Australian repairer of mining and blasting equipment. We work with blue chip companies, not just to repair, but also enhance, equipment for maximum performance and reliability.



ACI’s engineers have designed, implemented and tested solutions for a range of purposes and industries. Read more to learn how ACI can assist with your next project.


Delivering solutions to those in the agriculture industry, ACI has revised decades old machinery, re-designing and enhancing the reliability of equipment born in the 80’s.